Saturday, July 9, 2016

What to Expect at Draw Near 101

Running a business designed to break even is not my specialty (except the shopping part, I'm good at that) but lesson planning is.  I'm totally geeking out over the plans for 101.

I am totally, 100% open to feedback.  I know what I like and what I want to know how to do and what I have experience with but I don't know you.  Well.  I know you but I don't know what you're hoping to get out of this.  Now is the time to tell me while I am still in the planning stages.

Here's the working agenda:
post-bedtime planning time

Welcome/Introduction/Why Draw Near?
Supply Overview and Demonstrations
Introduction to Hand-Lettering with Practice Time
Variations on Bible Journaling (in a Bible, on paper, in journals, sketchnotes, etc.)
Finding Inspiration (aka studying the work of others)
How to Create Your Own Designs
Finished Product Show and Tell

Each participant will get a workbook that I'm putting together now (hence the copy fee).  I want the workbook to include lettering and doodling practice but plan on exchanging the examples from session to session so that each has its own "theme."  I want someone who wants to come to every single session I do to feel like they've learned and seen something new.  At the same time, it's not my goal to dictate the verse or final product that everyone leaves with.

Oh.  While I'm thinking of it, someone help me remember to take a picture of everyone's final products.

I'm actively soliciting feedback on themes/verses/styles of lettering/things to doodle that you would like on the agenda and in the workbook.  Send me a message or leave a comment.

See you soon!

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