Sunday, July 31, 2016

Host It, They Will Come!

Back when this was a blog that no one read, I mentioned a secret dream of hosting workshops to talk about Bible journaling.  That's become a real thing lately and I couldn't be more excited to be sharing about what God has done in my life since I starting journaling.  I had a session with almost forty women in July and have two more planned for August with about sixty people currently signed up.  One hundred people who want to talk about Jesus and learn about Bible journaling.  I couldn't have dreamed there would be so much interest so quickly!
The first class of Draw Near 101
I learned so much by jumping right in and having to plan big...locations, setup, copying (don't use a big box store...), supplies, crying in front of people and general awkwardness... I couldn't have asked for a better group, full mostly of people I know very well, to stumble through the experience with.  They were gracious and encouraging and saw Draw Near 101 as exactly what I hoped it could be, a chance to talk about Jesus and pretty supplies.

Speaking of supplies...


An idea I had at 1am that has exploded.  What if I bought journaling supplies in bulk and then resold them to people who wanted them for the sessions?

Great idea that has also been a learning lesson.  I bought as much as I could for the $15 I charged.  And then some people didn't show up and I ended the night in the hole.  Lesson learned.  Now people who sign up agree to make arrangements to pay for the KimKit even if they can't attend.

I'm well into the second (and third) round of KimKits and I'm still just as amazed that people trust me with their time and money.  I love supply shopping and it is something of a game to see how great I can make them and stay under budget.

It has been such an amazing blessing to hear the stories and testimonies that have come out of the first class.  I have received so many messages and had so many conversations about how God can take the messy parts of our lives and the messy attempts at art that we are  producing and use them to lift others up and to build the kingdom.  I'm so thankful that I get to be a part of that.


  1. I am so impressed and proud ❤️
    I could tell this was so big on your heart when we talked on the phone last.
